
Reloj (The Clock) By Nicolas Guillen

Sharing a last Guillen poem, Reloj (The Clock). I am thinking, how apt, since January sort of flew by. Hope you have been enjoying this month of Afro-Cuban poetry by the talented Senor Guillen.

Please stay tuned during February as I turn the spotlight on the poetry of Haiti. For now, enjoy Reloj:


Me gustan ciertas horas, como las 3 menos cuarto,
porque el reloj parece que tiene
una actitud fraterna, acogedora,
como si fuera a darnos un abrazo.

El tiempo, asi, es un Cristo en agonia
que por la herida del costado
va desangrandose sutilmente
entre el Futuro y el Pasado.

The Clock

I enjoy certain hours, like a quarter to three,
because the clock seems to hold
the warm friendliness of a brother
almost ready to embrace you.

Time, too, is a Christ in agony
bleeding gently
from the wound in his side
between the Future and the Past.

Copyright Nicolas Guillen. From Poemas de Transicion (1927-1931).


Leonard Dabydeen said...

Nicolas lives on...beautiful poem. TFS.

Yasmin Morais said...

Thanks, Leonard. I think Reloj is beautiful too.