
Nicolas Guillen's "Rios" (Rivers)

I'm sharing Nicolas Guillen's Rios (Rivers):


Tengo del Rin, del Rodano, del Ebro,
tengo los ojos llenos;
tengo del Tiber y del Tamesis,
tengo del Volga, del Danubio,
tengo los ojos llenos.

Pero yo se que el Plata,
pero yo se que el Amazonas bana;
yo se que el Misisipi,
pero yo se que el Magdalena bana;
yo se que el Almendares,
pero yo se que el San Lorenzo bana;
yo se que el Orinoco,
pero yo se que banan
tierras de amargo limo donde mi voz florece
y lentos bosques presos en sangrientas raices.
Bebo en tu copa, America,
en tu copa de estano,
anchos rios de lagrimas!

Dejad, dejadme,
dejadme ahora junto al agua.



With the Rhine, the Rhone and the Ebro,
my eyes are filled;
with the Tiber, the Thames,
the  Volga, and the Danube,
my eyes are filled.

But I know that the Plata,
and I know that the Amazon laps;
but I know that the Mississippi,
and I know that the Magdalena laps;
I know that the Almendares,
but I know that the San Lorenzo laps;
and I know that the Orinoco,
I know they bathe
lands of bitter mud where my voice blooms
and languid woods imprisoned in bloody roots.
America, I drink from your cup,
from your tin cup,
great rivers of tears!

Leave me, leave me
leave me now close to the water.

Copyright 2005 Nicolas Guillen.


Leonard Dabydeen said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem - vibrant and emotionally touching.

Yasmin Morais said...


Thanks for your comment. I am glad you enjoyed reading the poem. I too found it to be a really touching poem (and I do love rivers!)